Browsing Tag

ipe deck

Outdoors The Big Sur House

our great big sur deck!

May 4, 2019
Finished deck with cable railing

You know how when you improve one part of your home, it makes the other parts look tired and old? That’s exactly what happened with our deck. We were told we could likely get another few years out of it, and so we had put it on the back burner along with a kitchen remodel. Fast forward ten months, we had new windows, siding , and outdoor furniture. The deck stuck out like a sore thumb! It was old redwood…

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Outdoors The Big Sur House Uncategorized

springtime at the big sur house

April 27, 2019

After a very wet winter (over 50″ of rainfall) it has been a beautiful spring at The Big Sur House. The poppies and wildflowers are blooming and there is a veritable small green field in front of our deck! Next spring I’m going to toss a bunch of wildflower seed and hope for even more flowers. Of course, lest you think it is perfect, poison oak and ticks are in great abundance and seem to have an affinity for me.…

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